fermentation 101

Fermentation 101 from 4 of the World’s Leading Fermentation Experts – Kimchi Power Series Ep.4


Welcome to the fourth episode of The Kimchi Power video series. In the last episode of this Kimchi Power series, we learned about fermentation experts’ favorite fermented foods and the reasons behind them.


If you haven’t watched the previous episodes of The Kimchi Power series, make sure to watch them first at HungryGopher.com


In this episode, we’ll learn about fermentation 101 from the experts to get you started with your fermentation adventure.


The next question I proffered was,  “What advice would you offer to a fermentation newbie”?


sandor katz

Sandor Katz, the prolific author of fermentation books and New York Times Bestseller said

“Start with fermenting vegetables. You don’t need any special cultures or equipment, it’s incredibly delicious and nutritious, and it’s completely safe, with no case history of illness.”


Great advice. The simplicity is the key. Kimchi, sauerkraut or pickles will be a great one to start your fermentation adventure.



Jenny McGruther

Next up, Jenny McGruther, the author of The Nourished Kitchen and the mastermind behind NourishedKitchen.com.

“Go slow.  Pick one new fermented or cultured food to try each time, master it and then try another.”


Spot on advice. Master the art of doing one thing at a time.



easy kimchi recipe





Grace Park


Grace Park from Crazy Korean Cooking shared her insight as well.

“Fermented foods can be affected by many factors such as quality of ingredients, amount of seasoning, temperature, and surrounding environment.  So it takes practice to figure out what works best for you. Practice makes it perfect.”


Timeless advice. Check out Crazy Korean cooking.com for kimchi DIY kits and more. They have great resources there.



Hannah Crum

The last advice came from, Hannah Crum, the author of The Big Book of Kombucha:


“Fermented foods have been around for thousands of years and have been made at home for the vast majority of that time. They are safe and easy to make BUT they do require interaction – kind of like a pet that doesn’t move. Love your ferments and they will love you back..”


Yes, indeed. The tiny microbes are faithful friends when you treat them nicely. Try Hannah’s simply delicious kombucha recipe at https://www.kombuchakamp.com.


That wraps up fermentation 101 advice from the experts.

You can find all the links to the resources I mentioned in this video at HungryGopher.com


Many thanks to Sandor Katz, Jenny McGruther, Grace Park, and Hannah Crum for generously sharing their time and expertise with us.


I hope you enjoyed this episode of this kimchi power video series. In the next video, we’ll learn about their go-to resources for fermentation.


Get ready to find out what the fermentation experts resources are so that you can implement their tools to enjoy powerful, beneficial, and delicious fermented foods.


So stay tuned.


Eat Real, Be Real





In this episode, you’ll discover:

  • Fermentation 101 from 4 of the World’s Leading Fermentation Experts


Resources I mentioned in this episode include:



easy kimchi recipe

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